Anxiety & Panic

Woman Having Panic Attack Anxiety and stress share many of the same physical, mental and emotional symptoms, such as muscle tension, restlessness, excessive worrying,  trouble sleeping and an upset stomach.  However, the causes are different and knowing which one you are suffering from can help you find peace faster.

Stress is your body's response to external pressures (e.g., a looming work deadline, an argument  with a friend, a job interview) that goes away once the stressful situation is over.

Anxiety, on the other hand, is an internal response to stress; (e.g., persistent feelings of apprehension, fear, worry)  that won't go away, even after the stressful situation has passed.  

For most people, stress and anxiety come and go. However, ongoing or overwhelming stress or anxiety can escalate into panic or panic attacks - sudden, intense fears or terrors that reach a peak within minutes. Untreated, anxiety can also develop into other serious disorders  such as 

  • GAD (generalized anxiety disorder)
  • Phobia
  • Social anxiety 
  • Separation anxiety 
  • OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder)
  • PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)

How Stress Management Coaching Can Help

No matter how anxious you feel, take heart! Research shows that anxiety can be signitifantly reduced through coaching. Stress is a common trigger for anxiety and learning to reduce it, can prevent anxiety from taking over and interfering with daily life. Personal coaching provides a roadmap, step-by-step guidance and skills for reducing stress so you feel calmer, more confident and in control  faster. It can help you to 

Recognize warning signs. Recognizing and reducing symptoms of stress early on can prevent anxiety from developing into a disorder that is  difficult to control. Learning to use relaxation techniques at the first sign of stress can also help relieve anxiety. Reducing muscle tension, slowing your breathing and calming your mind are natural remedies that are generally safe to use with more conventional medical treatments.

Identify stressors. Everyone reacts to stress differently (e.g., headaches, trouble sleeping, anger, stomach aches, sadness). By paying attention to the events, situations and people triggering your physical, mental and emotional reactions, you can keep stress at bay - and minimize anxiety. Take a free stress quiz to identify your personal and professional stressors. 

Manage anxious thoughts and feelings. Many people often spend their days feeling stressed, frustrated and overwhelmed, unnecessarily. Learning to reframe challenges and develop a positive attitude can help you regain calm and control . Research shows that attitudes such as forgiveness, gratitude and kindness can also help reduce anxiety and improve your ability to cope with negative thoughts and moods. 

Improve your lifestyle. Proper nutrition, regular exercise and relaxation are proven ways to reduce stress. Making small but significant changes to your lifestyle, such as eating a healthy diet, increasing physical exercise, getting enough sleep, taking time for yourself and connecting with others can help reduce anxiety and panic attacks.

Develop new coping skills. Deep breathing, muscle relaxation, meditation and guided imagery are  powerful mindfulness technqiues that can reduce stress in your body and brain. In a recent UCLA study, participants who practiced mindfulness for just five minutes a day over a three-week period experienced significant reductions in stress. They also experienced increased life satisfaction, mastery of their surroundings and more positive relationships with others. 

Schedule a free, 30-minute Discovery Call to explore how personal coaching can help you reduce anxiety and stress.  We work with clients in all 50 U.S. states and will customize a Stress Management Program that fits your needs

Appointment Request

Wendy Padob, CEO and Executive Health and Wellness Coach at WP Creative Wellness provides virtual and in-person coaching services to clients in New York, across all U.S. States and globally.


Office hours are listed in Eastern Standard Time 

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9:00 am-7:00 pm


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9:00 am-7:00 pm


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