Frequently Asked Questions

What is health & executive coaching?

How does a coach differ from a therapist, personal trainer or nutritionist?

What type of certification should a coach have?

Is coaching covered by insurance?

What is evidence-based coaching?

Who can benefit from health & executive coaching?

How does it work?

How do I get started?

What is your scheduling, cancellation and refund policy?

How is my confidentiality and privacy protected?

What is health & executive coaching?

Health coaches are part wellness educators, mentors and behavior change specialists. Executive level health coaches who are national board-certified are the most highly trained and sought-after coaches in the field. They  work closely with clients to bridge the gap between understanding healthy lifestyle changes and the motivation to make and implement changes. by aligning a client's unique needs and goals with their core values. 

Stress management is a foundational aspect of executive health coaching. By learning to identify and manage life stressors more effectively, clients are often able to overcome physical, mental and emotional challenges they may have struggled with for years. With its laser focus on stress relief,  health coaching provides the personalized support, accountability and evidence-based skills to make healthy lifestyle changes, boost resiliency, confidence and accelerate lasting, sustainable results. Click here to read more about executive stress.

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How does a coach differ from a therapist, personal trainer or nutritionist?

Coaches are experts at facilitating behavioral changes. Rooted in the science of positive psychology, coaches draw on your innate strengths to formulate a personalized action plan that can drive dramatic shifts in your habits and lifestyle. Unlike a therapist who focuses on the past, a coach will  look towards the future;  where you want to go professionally and personally. Unlike a personal trainer or nutritionist, a coach will not give you a specific workout or diet to follow; they will help you identify challenges and create long and short-term goals, then guide you to accomplish them step by step. Coaches also support you to stay accountable, motivated and address obstacles you may encounter on your path towards greater health and well-being.

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What type of certification should a coach have?

The gold standard in coaching, specifically health or wellness coaching, is national certification. Coaches who are dual credentialed as a CHWC (certified health & wellness coach) and NBC-HWC (national board-certified health & well-being coach) are the most sought-after coaches in the industry due to their higher professional education in health sciences and evidence-based training. For more information about certification, visit

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Is coaching covered by insurance?

If you have health insurance, you may be able to lower the costs for some or all of your coaching sessions. Health and well-being coaching provided by a national board-certified coach (NBC-HWC) is reimbursed by certain physicians, healthcare systems and payors. As of 2020, the AMA (American Medical Association) recognized well-trained NBC-HWCs as vital members of healthcare teams who provide resources needed to start - and sustain - behaviors that can prevent or reduce suffering and costs of chronic health conditions (e.g,  prediabetes, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, obesity, depression).

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What is "evidenced-based" coaching?

Coaching that is "evidence-based" stands on solid scientific ground. It incorporates and applies the best available, current research in neuroscience, behavioral health and positive psychology. In a recent Mayo Clinic study, a 12-week evidence-based health and wellness coaching program demonstrated significant improvements in quality of life (QOL) including physical, social, emotional, cognitive and spiritual functioning as well as in depressive symptoms and perceived stress levels.

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Who can benefit from health & executive coaching?

Coaching is highly effective for preventing and managing short (acute) and long-term (chronic) stress. If you want to live with greater control, choice and peace in the face of extreme stress or overwhelm, and are committed to making lifestyle changes to get there - then a health & executive coach is who you want to work with.  Whether you struggle with weight, work-life balance, a job that puts you at higher risk for burnout, a major life transition or a stress-related illness, trauma or injury, health & executive coaching can move you closer to a life of ease, balance, joy and well-being.  Learn more about the benefits of health & executive coaching and wide range of stress-related conditions we coach. 

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How does it work?

Coaching is a highly collaborative process. It involves a commitment of time and energy from both the coach and client. Before embarking on a partnership, an initial 30-minute Discovery Call is advised to ensure there is a good fit. Coaching sessions are typically 50-60 minutes in length and are held by telephone or video. Coaching packages are available (e.g., 3-month, 6-month, yearly programs) and can be customized to fit your needs and schedule. Read  about our programs  and contact us to discuss what option is best for you. 

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How do I get started?

It is easy to get started! Just sign up for a free, no-obligation Discovery Call. During this 30-minute call, we will explore your  priorities, health and wellness goals, and determine how coaching can help you. We offer a wide range of health & executive services, stress management programs and ongoing support options.

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What is your scheduling, cancellation and refund policy?

Every coaching session is scheduled in advance. A no show, request to reschedule or cancel a session without sufficient notice (at least 24 hours in advance) will be charged full price for the missed session. If you need to cancel a coaching package or program, you must call  within 24 hours of your first session to receive a full refund, or 24 hours after your first session to be refunded the difference. 

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How is my confidentiality and privacy protected?

The law protects the relationship between a client and a coach. Information cannot be disclosed without written permission, with the following exceptions:

  • Suspected child abuse or dependent adult or elder abuse, for which a coach is required by law to report to the appropriate authorities immediately;
  • If a client is threatening serious bodily harm to another person/s, the coach must notify the police and inform the intended victim;
  • If a client intends to harm themself, the coach will make every effort to enlist the client's cooperation to ensure their safety. If the client  does not cooperate, the coach will take further measures without the client's permission by law in order to ensure their safety.

Have more questions? Contact Wendy and schedule a complimentary, 30-minute Discover Call today. 

Appointment Request

Wendy Padob, CEO and Executive Health and Wellness Coach at WP Creative Wellness provides virtual and in-person coaching services to clients in New York, across all U.S. States and globally.


Office hours are listed in Eastern Standard Time 

Main Hours


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm



