Executive Stress

Stressed out Business Woman Anyone who has ever  been in a leadership or managerial role has felt stress. Even if you love your work , there are  stressful aspects to every job (e.g., projects pop up without warning, emails pile up, coworkers drop the ball on shared tasks).

In small doses, stress can be motivating. However, high levels of daily stress can lead to burnout, a syndrome resulting from long-term, chronic work or workplace stress that hasn't been resolved or successfully managed. 

If you feel "tired" phyysically, mentally or emotionally,  hate your job  or feel less productive at work, you may experiencing signs of burnout - and need to take it seriously.

Burnout affects workers in all industries and at at all levels. People in high stress jobs are at increased risk, especiallyy entrepreneurs, business owners, freelancers and remote workers. Chronic stress and burnout, if left untreated, can have serious health consequences including:

  • anxiety
  • insomnia
  • fatigue
  • muscle pain
  • high blood pressure
  • weakened immune system
  • heart disease
  • depression
  • obesity
  • type 2 diabetes
  • alcohol or substance misuse
  • vulnerability to some cancers

How Stress Management Coaching Can Help

The good news is that stress doesn't always lead to burnout. Managing stress properly can prevent - and reverse - burnout.  The right support and stress relief plan is essential. Personal coaching provides a roadmap, step-by-step guidance and skills to reduce stress, regain focus and restore balance by helping you to: 

Understand your stress response.  When faced with a stressful situation (e.g.,  work deadline, job loss), your brain recognizes the challenge and sounds the alarm, enabling you to respond quickly.  Stress hormones flood your body  causing a “fight-or-flight” response (e.g., increased heart rate, rapid breathing, muscle tension). Observing physiological changes is the first step in learning to deal with stress more effectively. 

Identify your triggers. Everyone experiences stress differently (e.g., pain, headaches, sleep disturbances, stomach aches, anger, sadness). By becoming more aware of the stressors that trigger your reactions (e.g., situations, events, people ), you can learn to manage stress more effectively. Take our free stress quizzes to assess your personal and professional stress triggers. 

Improve your lifestyle. Stress can be minimized by making small but effective changes to unhealthy eating, exercise, sleep,and social habits. In fact, recent studies show that 80% of stress-related illnesses (e.g., heart disease, stroke, type II diabetes) and 40% of cancers can be prevented by improving your diet and lifestyle.

Manage negative moods.  Many people spend their days feeling stressed, frustrated and overwhelmed often unnecessarly.  By understanding how unproductive states are created and learning how to redefine them, you can reframe negative emotions and  shift your thinking to a more positive mindset. This is just as important as eating well and getting enough exercise and sleep.

Develop new coping skills. Deep breathing, muscle relaxation, meditation, body scanning and guided imagery are powerful mindfulness techniques for reducing stress in your body and brain. A recent UCLA study showed that  when participants practiced mindfulness for just five minutes a day over three-weeks, they experienced signifiant reductions in stress. They also experienced increased life satisfaction, mastery of their environment and more positive relationships. 

Ready to find relief? Read about our Wellness Programs and schedule a free discovery call today. Learn how personal coaching can help you reduce stress, prevent or rebound from burnout, and restore healthy work-life balance

We serve local clients online in New York City and across all 50 U.S. states. 

Appointment Request

Wendy Padob, CEO and Executive Health and Wellness Coach at WP Creative Wellness provides virtual and in-person coaching services to clients in New York, across all U.S. States and globally.


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