
Turn OFF Stress and Cravings

Turn OFF Stress & Cravings

An Exclusive Mini-Series Created by Stress Management Coach, 
Wendy Padob for The Sugar Switch
®  Podcast 

Did you know that you possess a powerful skill you can use to turn OFF your body’s automatic stress response – AND stop sugar and food cravings in their tracks? It’s true! Listen to this two-part series to find out how you can tap this natural ability and its many self-healing benefits to gain new control over your health.

Cathy Ormon, host of The Sugar Switch® Podcast interviews Wendy Padob, national board-certified health & wellness coach, who demystifies stress and how it is governed by two nervous systems in the body: the sympathetic (‘fight or flight’) and parasympathetic (‘rest and digest’). Discover activate your ‘rest and digest response to turn OFF unhealthy stress and stress eating. Learn about the profound and practical benefits of deep breathing backed by the latest science. Experience how you can ‘breathe away’ stress using simple yet powerful mindfulness/relaxation techniques to restore calm and healthy balance as well as boost immunity, improve digestion, vitality and much more!

Part 1: Rest & Digest Key Topics:
• How emotions trigger stress eating
• Turning stress off and turning on calmer functions of the body
• 4 ways to activate your ‘rest & digest’ response
• Restoring healthy eating behaviors and maintaining balance

Don't have time to listen? Read the Transcript for Turn OFF Stress & Cravings, Part 1- Rest & Digest 
Part 2: Breathe Away Stress

Key Topics:
• The science behind deep breathing
• 9 physical, mental & emotional benefits
• Using deep breathing in stressful situations
• Simple exercises for making the most of your breath

Don't have time to listen? Read the Transcript for Turn OFF Stress & Cravings, Part 2 - Breathe Away Stress

The Stress-Sugar Connection©

Brain Stress-Sugar Connection

An Exclusive Podcast Series By Wendy Padob, NBC-HWC and Cathy Ormon, author-host of  The Sugar Switch Podcast

What drives us to crave or eat sweets when we feel stressed? This in-depth series unravels the complex relationship between stress and sugar – and how we can unplug from unhealthy habits like stress eating. National board-certified health & wellness coach, Wendy Padob, shares the latest neuroscience and behavioral change tools with Cathy Ormon, author-host of The Sugar Switch Podcast. Tune in to hear how you can reduce high stress and sugar levels naturally - and switch on control to create a more mindful, healthy lifestyle.

Part 1: The Science Key Topics:
• Why stress causes sugar cravings, stress eating and can lead to addiction
• Stress-sugar imbalance, what is going on in the body and long-term effects
• Retraining stress reactions and cravings for sugar
• Assessing stress-sugar habits and 7 strategies for improving or changing them

Don't have time to listen? Read the Transcript for The Stress-Sugar Connection, Part 1 - The Science
Part 2: The Warning Signs

Key Topics:
• Spotting warning signs of stress-sugar imbalance and stress eating
• The ‘domino effect’ if warning signs are ignored
• How habits can spiral out of control and switch on health issues
• 10 tips for reducing stress and sugar cravings naturally

Don't have time to listen? Read the Transcript for The Stress-Sugar Connection, Part 2- The Warning Signs
Part 3: Switch On Control

Key Topics:
• Identifying daily stressors in your life 
• Noticing stress, food and mood triggers, and how to counteract them  
• 7 lifestyle choices or healthy habits to form 
• The secret to taking action and staying motivated to maintain changes

Don't have time to listen? Read the Transcript for The Stress-Sugar Connection, Part 3 - Switch ON Control!

Appointment Request

Wendy Padob, CEO and Executive Health and Wellness Coach at WP Creative Wellness provides virtual and in-person coaching services to clients in New York, across all U.S. States and globally.


Office hours are listed in Eastern Standard Time 

Main Hours


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm



