Computer Stress

Multitasking Businessman Technology improves our lives in many ways, but it can be a a blessing - and a curse. The more we interact with our devices, the more stressed out we become. In fact recent research shows that one in three employees suffer from technology stress due to excessive use of computers and mobile phones, increased workloads and shorter deadlines.

While the Internet has given us easy access to information, it has also caused us to spend extreme amounts of time staring at screens,  reducing productivity and increasing stress. According to recent stats, the average person spends more than 11 hours a day interacting with media and checks their smartphone at least 150 times!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Heavy use of technology and social networks also prevents people from enjoying time with family and friends. It has been shown that it affects our ability to participate in real life. Too much time online not only damages relationships, work and self-esteen, but leads to axniety disorders and other illnesses assoicatef with  a sedentary lifestyle. These include, but are not limited to: 

  • Computer or IAD (Internet Addiction Disorder)   
  • Social anxiety disorder  
  • Depression
  • ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
  • Eye strain, blurred vision 
  • Insomnia 
  • Back pain
  • "Text" neck and headaches (from prolonged head tilting at unnatural angles)
  • Obesity 
  • Heart disease, risk of stroke and certain kinds of cancers

How Stress Management Coaching Can Help

Those who suffer from technology-related stress are often unaware that it is getting out of control and why the right support and plan is essential to reducing and managing stress. Personal coaching provides a roadmap, step-by-step guidance and skills to reduce stress, regain focus and restore balance by helping you to: 

Understand your stress response.  When you are faced with a  stressful situation ( e.g., traffic jam, work deadline), your brain recognizes  the challenge and sounds the alarm, allowing you to respond quickly. Stress hormones flood your body, causing a "fight-or-flight” response (e.g., increased heart rate, faster breathing, muscles tension).. Observing physiological changes is the first step in learning how to deal with stress more effectively. 

Identify stress triggers. Everyone experiences stress differently (e.g., pain, headaches, sleep disturbances, stomach aches, anger, sadness). Paying attention to the activities, situations and environmental stressors that trigger your reactions can reduce the negative effects of stress. Take a free stress quiz to identify the causes of your personal and professional stress.

Improve your lifestyle. Stress can be minimized  by making small but effective changes to unhealthy eating, exercise, sleep,  mental and social habits. In fact, recent studies show that 80% of stress-related diseases such as heart disease, stroke and type II diabetes and 40% of cancers can be prevented ny improving  your diet and lifestyle.

Manage negative moods.  Many people spend most of ther days feeling stressed, frustrated and overwhelmed, often needlessly. By understanding how unproductive states are created and learning to redefine them, you can change negative emotions and shift your thinking to a more positive mindset. This is just as important as eating well and getting enough exercise and sleep.

Develop new coping skills. Deep breathing, muscle relaxation, meditation and guided imagery are powerful mindfulness techniques  that reduce stress in your body and brain. In a recent UCLA study, participants who learned and practiced mindfulness for just 5 minutes a day over a 3-week period experienced significant reductions in stress. They also experienced increased life satisfaction, mastery of their surroundings and more positive relationships with others. 

Ready to find relief? Read about our Stress Management Programs and schedule a free discovery call today. Learn how personal coaching can help you reduce tech stress and restore healthy balance, ease and wellbeing to your everyday life. We serve local clients in New York and nationwide, across all 50 U.S. states. 

Appointment Request

Wendy Padob, CEO and Executive Health and Wellness Coach at WP Creative Wellness provides virtual and in-person coaching services to clients in New York, across all U.S. States and globally.


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