Chronic Stress

Stressed out man face in hands When managing stress, it is important to understand the type of stress you are experiencing. The most common form is acute or short-term stress. Acute stress (e.g., driving at rush hour, meeting a tight deadline) is part of everyday life. It can even be good for your body, as it releases hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which help your body cope with stressful situations.  

However, if you experience acute stress frequently over a long period of time (e.g., sitting in traffic every day, working for a toxic boss), acute stress can become "chronic." This debilitating type of stress exhausts people and can destroy bodies, minds and lives. Unlike acute stress which doesn't have time to do much damage, chronic stress wreaks havoc through long-term wear and tear. 

You may not realize it at first, but the pressures of work can add up and put even more strain on your mind and body. Ignoring chronic stress can flip a switch that not only damages your immune system, but also causes many serious health problems including, but not limited to: 

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Frequent colds and infections 
  • Diabetes
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Loss of sexual desire/ability
  • Burnout

How Stress Management Coaching Can Help 

No matter how overwhelming your life may be, the good news is that you can learn to reduce stress and control how it affects you. The right support and stress relief plan are essential. Personal coaching provides a roadmap, step-by-step guidance and skills to help you feel calmer and more in control faster by helping you:

Identify your triggers. Everyone reacts to stress differently (e.g., fatigue, headaches, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, upset stomach, difficulty concentrating/brain fog, trouble sleeping, anger, sadness). Paying attention to your physical, emotional and mental reactions to stress is the first step in managing it. Take a free stress quiz to identify the causes of your personal and work stress. 

Understand your stress response. When faced with a threat, stress hormones flood the body, triggering  a “fight-or-flight” response .(e.g.,  increased heart rate, rapid breathing, muscle tension). Your brain recognizes the danger and sounds the alarm, preparing your body to confront it or find a way out. Noticing your emotional and physiological reactions to stress, and using mindfulness techniques can help you calm and control your stress response.  

Manage negative moods.  Many people often spend their days feeling stressed, frustrated and overwhelmed, often unnecessarily. By understanding how unproductive states are created and learning to redefine them, you can adjust your thoughts, improve your moods and develop a healthier, more positive mindset. 

Improve your lifestyle. Making small but impactful changes to unhealthy eating, exercise, sleep and social habits can change your entire experience of stress.  In fact, research shows that 80% of heart disease, stroke, type II diabetes, and 40% of cancers can be prevented by improving your diet and lifestyle.

Develop new coping skills. Deep breathing, muscle relaxation, meditation and guided imagery are powerful mindfulness techniques that can help reduce stress in your body and brain. As shown in a recent UCLA study, participants who practiced mindfulness for just five minutes a day over three weeks significantly reduced their stress. They also reported increased life satisfaction and more positive relationships with others. 

Ready to find relief? Schedule a free, 30-minute Discovery Call to learn how stress management coaching can help you live with greater ease, joy, balance and wellbeing.  We work with clients nationwide and will customize a Stress Management Program that fits your specific needs.

Appointment Request

Wendy Padob, CEO and Executive Health and Wellness Coach at WP Creative Wellness provides virtual and in-person coaching services to clients in New York, across all U.S. States and globally.


Office hours are listed in Eastern Standard Time 

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